The NQCC welcomes publication of the National Quantum Strategy

The NQCC welcomes the publication of the National Quantum Strategy and the commitment of £2.5 billion of investment, which reinforces the UK’s position as a world leader in the development and commercialisation of quantum technologies. The NQCC is expected to play a leading role in an expanded programme, at the vanguard of UK quantum computing, alongside our partners in the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme (NQTP).

The NQCC remains committed to working with partners across government, industry and the research community, to support the delivery of assured quantum computing capabilities for the UK. We will continue to invest in the facilities and infrastructure in which to build, host and operate quantum computers, support training and development of the pipeline of talent and skills, and grow the industrial ecosystem nationwide. We stand ready to deliver on a bold vision, enabling the UK to solve some of the most complex and challenging problems facing society by harnessing the potential of quantum computing. We seek to enable the UK to become a quantum-ready nation, grow the workforce and take full advantage of the benefits that quantum computing can offer, by supporting organisations on a journey from awareness to advocacy.

“The UK is well-positioned with some of the leading quantum computing companies globally, sitting alongside world-class research excellence in quantum computing from our universities and research labs. The increased investment will further bolster the UK’s position as a home for quantum computing innovation, creating the right environment in which to start and grow companies as part of a rapidly developing, high-tech industry,” commented Dr Michael Cuthbert, Director, NQCC.

Update on the NQCC’s programme of activities 

The construction of the NQCC’s main facility and headquarters is on track for completion in September this year. The facility is located within the Rutherford Appleton Lab site at Harwell campus in Oxfordshire.

The recent appointment of our Chief Scientist is cementing our links with academic research community.

The call for industry-led feasibility studies in quantum computing, in partnership with Innovate UK, has been announced and is currently open.

Recent awards have been made for proof-of-concept projects with industry partners to explore use cases through a Highlight Call on Quantum Computing (has been funded through the NQCC’s SparQ programme, and delivered in partnership with STFC’s Cross-Cluster Grants).

Recruitment is ongoing as we build up our expertise across quantum hardware, software and applications development.

Read the full strategy document here.

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