Outreach events

Engineering Your Future Careers Fair 2023

The NQCC will be attending the 'Engineering Your Future' careers fair for sixth-form students at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory on 21st September.

Exploring the world of quantum computing

What does the future of computing look like? Join Daisy as they explore the world of quantum computing, from the physics of qubits to quantum algorithms. We will discover how quantum computers work, how they are different from regular computers, and how we can use them to solve certain problems. Quantum computers have the potential to positively impact our everyday lives, so come along if you’d like to learn more about this incredible technology.

Daresbury Open Week

The National Quantum Computing Centre will be involved in this year’s Daresbury Laboratory Open Day. Come and join us in the Hartree Centre as part of the ‘Computing Zone’on the 10th and 11th of July or visit us in the Wonder Marquee on the 15th of July! We will be showcasing how quantum computing might […]

A Celebration of Physics

The National Quantum Computing Centre will be exhibiting at the Institute of Physics ‘Celebration of Physics’ event this June! Visit our stand on 27th June to learn more about the NQCC and to check out our quantum computing demos.

Oxford Science + Ideas Festival

The NQCC comes to the Ideas and Science Festival Oxford with hands-on activities for all to learn about quantum computing!

Talking Science with the RAL

In this outreach talk, Dr Chiara Decaroli will show you how we can use individual quantum objects to solve incredibly hard problems.

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