Quantum computing testbeds

Seven companies have been awarded multimillion-pound contracts to build and deploy a series of quantum computing testbeds at the NQCC.

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State-of-the-art quantum computing testbeds being established at the NQCC’s facilities

The NQCC is investing £30m to establish seven quantum computing testbeds, in partnership with Innovate UK. These prototype quantum computers, based on state-of-the-art technology platforms, are being deployed at the NQCC’s facilities on the Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire.  The initiative is in support of the NQCC’s mission to accelerate the development of quantum computing capabilities and infrastructure within the UK. 

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Quantum computing testbed projects

ARTEMIS: Advanced Research TEstbed Manipulating PhotonIc States

Aegiq is delivering a world-leading photonic QC platform based on the interfacing of hybrid semiconductor components.

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SQALE: Scalable Quantum Atomic Lattice computing tEstbed

Infleqtion’s neutral-atom QC testbed provides the benefits of intrinsically stable high-performance atomic qubits.

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Asteroidea – a flexible photonic quantum computing testbed for machine learning

Orca Computing is delivering a photonic QC testbed featuring multiple highly innovative, novel technologies in a single infrastructure platform.

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QUARTET: The QUantum Advantage-Ready Trapped-Ion Exploration Testbed

Oxford Ionics are developing QUARTET, a complete trapped-ion QC testbed providing ultra-low error rates, that supports field-replaceable quantum processing units (QPUs).

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Towards an error-corrected neutral-atom quantum computer

QuEra’s project is designed to develop a more robust, scalable, and user-friendly neutral-atom testbed, offering an error-corrected operation.

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Silicon Cloverleaf: Quantum system based on spin qubit technology

Quantum Motion’s system is based on spin qubit technology with a two dimensionally scalable QPU, with control systems and a user interface.

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Full-stack superconducting testbed with tunable couplers and scalable control system

Rigetti’s 24-qubit quantum computer features 4th-generation QPUs based on its US-based 84-qubit quantum computer.

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Infleqtion Demonstrates Largest Neutral Atom Array in UK, Paving Way for Scalable Quantum Computing

256-Qubit Milestone Strengthens Leadership in Neutral Atom Quantum Computing and Marks Major Progress Toward Scalable Quantum Computing at NQCC Harwell Campus

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Fully Operational Rigetti QPU Included in UK’s Recently Opened NQCC

The state-of-the-art NQCC facility includes a fully operational 24-qubit Ankaa™-class Rigetti system for testing, benchmarking, and exploratory applications development.

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UKRI and NQCC invest £30m in UK quantum innovators

Winners of the Quantum Testbed Competition will develop and deliver QC testbeds at the NQCC’s facilities by March 2025.

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