Online Quantum Skills Course

The NQCC's online quantum skills course is for students and professionals to gain an understanding of the key concepts of quantum computing and earn an NQCC-accredited certificate upon completion of the course.


Learn Quantum Computing with the NQCC

This course uses Black Opal Enterprise and is for those who want to learn more about key concepts in quantum computing. The course is being delivered as part of the NQCC’s SparQ User Engagement Programme. The aim of the course is to drive greater awareness, understanding and engagement in quantum computing, supporting the development of skills within the UK workforce from an early stage. This initiative aligns to the NQCC’s wider strategic priorities to enable a quantum-ready UK economy through delivering skills development and training opportunities.

Register your interest in this course

Who is it for?

The course is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students as well as technical professionals with a background in physics, computer science, engineering or mathematics.

How does it work?

If you would like access to the course, register your interest by clicking the ‘Register Your Interest’ button. We welcome expressions of interest from people from all backgrounds.

For successful applicants, access to this self-paced, interactive course will be fully sponsored by the NQCC. Registration is limited to UK residents and licences will expire after 3 months. Up to 2 initial learners per organisation will be sponsored by the NQCC.

Users will receive a certificate upon full completion of the course and will be asked to fill out a user experience survey.

What will I learn?

The course is modular and takes users on a visual journey, from understanding the fundamentals of quantum information through to learning programming concepts in quantum computing. It consists of 9 skills related to the following topics:










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