Harwell Science and Innovation Campus: Q-Day 3.0

Q-Day 3.0 takes place at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Visitor Centre on Tuesday 7 November from 09:15 – 13:30, with talks, refreshments and lunch amongst a table-top exhibition.

This year’s speakers include NQCC, ESA, Element Six, Oxford Instruments Nano Science, IBM, Riverlane, and CLF.

Event Programme:

  • 09:15 Registration and refreshments
  • 10:00 Welcome and introductions to speakers
  • 11:00 Refreshments
  • 11:30 Speakers
  • 12:30 Lunch and networking
  • 13:30 Event close

Refreshments and lunch will be available during the event. Please provide any dietary requirements in your response.

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