Leadership Team

With extensive experience of the UK's quantum technologies sector, the NQCC's Leadership Team is responsible for delivering the centre's wide-ranging programme of technology development and community engagement.


Michael Cuthbert

With a background in superconductivity and cryogenic systems, Michael has had a number of technical and commercial leadership roles with Oxford Instruments in Japan, the US and the UK, most recently as Head of Quantum Technologies. Michael is a member of the Institute of Physics and sits on several advisory panels, including the NQTP Strategic Advisory Board.

Michael is Aegis Professor in Quantum Technologies at the University of Bristol.

Chief Scientist

Elham Kashefi

Elham is Professor of Quantum Computing at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, and Directeur de recherche au CNRS at LIP6 Sorbonne Université. She co-founded the fields of quantum cloud computing and quantum computing verification and has pioneered a transdisciplinary interaction of hybrid quantum-classical solutions from theoretical investigation to actual experimental and industrial commercialisation. Elham is seconded 30% of her time from University of Edinburgh to the NQCC in her capacity as Chief Scientist.

Deputy Director for Operations

Ash Vadgama

Ash has worked within High Performance Computing for almost 35 years for UK Government. Ash started his career as a computer scientist developing scientific software on early vector supercomputers, then lead early developments in secure Linux clusters, various emerging technologies, Petascale HPC systems and resilient data centres, whilst also collaborating with US national laboratories and other international partners, later moving into Business Leadership, HPC programme and financial management. Ash passionately supports leading-edge computational capabilities for the UK as a fundamental tool for Science, and works with UK Government, UK Research Councils, Academia and Industry on long-term computational programmes and future technology strategies. Today, his scientific interests include Artificial Intelligence, Exascale Technologies, Quantum Computation & Algorithms, Quantum-HPC integrated facilities and Cyber-Security. Ash holds degrees in Computer Science with Electronics (University of Oxford, University of London).

Deputy Director for Innovation

Simon Plant

Prior to joining the NQCC, Simon was the Innovation Lead in Quantum Technologies (QT) at Innovate UK, responsible for shaping and implementing the UK’s innovation strategy for the commercialisation of QT. He managed the portfolio of industry-led projects, as well as leading on international outreach. Simon was previously a fellow of the UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology, working on projects with industry and the space agencies towards quantum sensors for space. In 2016, he was seconded to the Government Office for Science to work on the Blackett review of the QT landscape. Simon gained his doctorate at the University of Oxford working on molecular materials for quantum information processing, and was later a research fellow in nanophysics at the University of Birmingham.

Deputy Director for Programme Delivery

Anne-Claire Blet

Following her Bachelor’s Degree in Law & Political Science at Universite de Bretagne and a Master’s Degree in International Relations at La Sorbonne Anne-Claire worked at the United Nations as part of its Sustainability Programme supporting strategy, policy and programme delivery as well as risk management, budgeting and stakeholder engagement. Anne-Claire then joined the start-up what3words as Director of Strategic Partnerships before joining Oxford Quantum Circuits as Chief Operating Officer. As part of her role at OQC, Anne-Claire had responsibility for strategic relationships and developing commercial strategies with cloud computing delivery partners. She also had responsibility for developing supply chain, end-user and cross-government collaborations; including developing a Memorandum of Understanding with the NQCC and multiple ISCF funded programmes leading the business towards its successful £38m Series A investment round.

Deputy Director for Research

Jonathan Burnett

Jonathan has led large-scale R&D activities in quantum computation, quantum hardware, and quantum control architectures in the UK and Sweden. After completing his MSc in Physics at Royal Holloway, University of London, and his PhD on decoherence effects in superconducting circuits at RHUL and NPL, Jonathan’s career has spanned top-tier research institutions such as London Centre for Nanotechnology, UC; Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology at Chalmers University, Sweden, and NPL, where he worked to improve coherence times in superconducting qubits. Most recently, Jonathan played a pivotal role at Oxford Quantum Circuits, serving as Head of Quantum Hardware, Lead of Quantum Systems, and Director of Hardware Engineering.

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