NQCC Summer Webinars 2023

The series of four quantum computing webinars will be taking place every Wednesday at 4 pm, from the 9th of August until the 30th of August 2023, which will be delivered by the NQCC specialists in quantum computing hardware, control systems, and responsible and ethical quantum computing.

9th August, 4 pm: Lasers for quantum computation with atoms – by Dr Klara Theophilo

16th August, 4 pm: Quantisation and simulation of superconducting circuits – by Dr Aneirin Baker

23rd August, 4 pm: Real-time control systems of quantum computing experiments – by Dr Tim Boyle

30th August, 4 pm: Responsible and ethical quantum computing – by Dr Natasha Oughton

Email us if you are interested in attending. The webinar link will be sent to you based on your choice of sessions.

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