The Next Wave: Advancing Quantum in the UK

The event aims to discuss what is needed to prepare for the future of Quantum-centric supercomputing today.

Meet the NQCC team at the event and join us at the following talks/panels –

28th March 2023:

  • 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM: The UK National Quantum Technology Programme with the National Quantum Computing Centre – Michael Cuthbert, Director, NQCC
  • 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Panel Session: UK Quantum Strategy with Laura Foster – Head of Technology and Innovation, techUK, Rashik Parmar – Group CEO, BCS, Michael Cuthbert, Director and Simon Plant, Deputy Director for Innovation, NQCC, Liam Blackwell, Deputy Director, EPSRC UKR, Juan Bernabe-Moreno, Director IBM Research

29th March 2023:

  • 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Panel Session: Enabling a Quantum Workforce – Liz Durst, Director, IBM Quantum & Qiskit Community, Dominic O’Brien, Professor of Engineering Science at Oxford University along with IBM Research,  Daisy Shearer, Outreach Officer, NQCC, and BCS, Anke Lohmann, Chair of the IOP’s qBIG committee
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